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You might also be interested in seeing our full time opportunities, or serving with one of our many partners around the world.
You might also be interested in seeing our full time opportunities, or serving with one of our many partners around the world.
Join a group of youth from multiple countries on a trip across three Central American countries to experience spiritual and missional formation through engagement of the culture and history of these nations alongside people working in contextualized integral mission throughout the region.
Put together a small team of people to join with others from all over the world to minister to the needs of people fleeing from danger and war.
Join our efforts to prepare adults, young and old, to integrate into European life through English language education.
Join a team of people who have gathered from all over the world to minister to the needs of people fleeing danger and war.
Be a part of supporting the spiritual growth of staff members, people with disabilities and their family members through counseling, devotional planning, and trainings with Tesoros de Dios in Nicaragua.
Be a part of cultivating the special education area in Tesoros de Dios and contributing to creating an atmosphere that enriches student learning.
Experience God at work in the world by traveling to another country or cultural context. Bring what you learned home for mission in your community.
Walk alongside students in their personal and spiritual growth at LCC International University in Lithuania
Spend a year working with newcomers in Berlin, living in community, and engaging in deep spiritual formation
An opportunity to serve in the ministries of the Reformed Church in Hungary, live in community with other young adults, and cultivate skills for lifelong learning and faith development
You might also be interested in seeing our full time opportunities, or serving with one of our many partners around the world.