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You might also be interested in seeing our full time opportunities, or serving with one of our many partners around the world.
You might also be interested in seeing our full time opportunities, or serving with one of our many partners around the world.
Put together a small team of people to join with others from all over the world to minister to the needs of people fleeing from danger and war.
Join our efforts to prepare adults, young and old, to integrate into European life through English language education.
Join a team of people who have gathered from all over the world to minister to the needs of people fleeing danger and war.
Walk alongside students in their personal and spiritual growth at LCC International University in Lithuania
Spend a year working with newcomers in Berlin, living in community, and engaging in deep spiritual formation
An opportunity to serve in the ministries of the Reformed Church in Hungary, live in community with other young adults, and cultivate skills for lifelong learning and faith development
English Camp Leaders provide an immersive English experience to students in grades 2-8 through classes, crafts, games, and other activities.
Summer Language Institute teachers provide engaging, student-centered instruction for high school students and young adults during a 3-week English language program in July.
Resident Director is a professional staff member residing on campus responsible for the implementation and development of the residence life program in LCC's residence halls throughout the Summer Language Institute (SLI) in the month of July.
The Summer Language Institute chaplain develops and leads the Spiritual Life component of the program in cooperation with the Program Director and Director of Community Life.
You might also be interested in seeing our full time opportunities, or serving with one of our many partners around the world.