Where We Work
East & Central Asia
Several countries in Asia have traditions and values that make them resistant to the gospel and North American missionaries. For this reason, we can not mention some of the specific countries or missionaries in this region. Still, the power of the Holy Spirit is evident through ministry taking place.
- 9 Missionaries
East & Southern Africa
In the recent past, there has been unprecedented church growth in most of the African continent. More than anywhere else, this church growth is more evident in both Eastern and Southern Africa region. However, a large percentage of Christians are nominal, and lack depth in the Word of God and have little influence on the larger society.
- 14 Missionaries
- 2 Opportunities
The opening of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, signaled a new era of religious freedom in countries oppressed for decades under communist rule. As Eastern European communism began to crumble, Christian organizations in the West quickly crossed the wall's remnants to begin or expand ministries in the formerly communist countries.
- 22 Missionaries
- 13 Opportunities
Mexico & Caribbean
The Mexico and Carribean region includes the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, and Cuba. About 20 missionaries or spouses serve in this region and, due to it's close geographical location to Canada and the US, several volunteers each year.
- 10 Missionaries
- 8 Opportunities
Middle East
Despite waves of persecution, the Christian faith has stood the test of time in the Middle East. Minority Christians in this region have succeeded in witnessing faithfully and peacefully in this Muslim-majority context. Today, 15 million Christians live in the Middle East. Resonate missionaries in this region stand in solidarity with Arab Christians, supporting their efforts at peaceful coexistence with the Muslim majority.
- 3 Opportunities
South & Southeast Asia
South Asia contains approximately one-fifth of the world's population. It has one of the world's most unique and vibrant cultures. It's also the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism and has one of the world's largest Muslim population. Opportunities to join God on mission abound!
- 4 Missionaries
West & Central Africa
The Christian Reformed Church has a rich history in West & Central Africa—it's the first region where a missionary served from the denomination—and hundreds of CRC families have served here over the year. Today much of the ministry that takes place here through Resonate comes as a result of that foundation.
- 9 Missionaries
- 2 Opportunities
Regions in the United States and Canada
Select one of our six regions in the United States and Canada to learn more about opportunities, missionaries, campus ministries, and church plants in that region.
Canada East
The Canada East team represents Resonate Global Mission in actively partnering with churches and classes and other partners to catalyse and strengthen new churches, campus ministries and missional communities in the Eastern Canada region.
- 3 Church Plants
- 10 Campus Ministries
- 7 Classes
- 4 Missionaries
Canada West
Our God is a missionary God who loves this world and invites his followers to participate in seeing lives and communities transformed by the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ. The staff of Resonate's Western Canada region can help you discover your place in God's mission.
- 4 Church Plants
- 6 Campus Ministries
- 5 Classes
- 1 Missionary
Central USA
The Central US region is home to over 200 CRCNA congregations in rural, suburban, and urban settings. From the Great Lakes to the Central Plains, we are helping to start and strengthen churches.
- 1 Church Plant
- 8 Campus Ministries
- 10 Classes
- 1 Missionary
Eastern USA
Our God is a missionary God who loves this world and invites his followers to participate in seeing lives and communities transformed by the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ. The staff of Resonate's Eastern US region can help you discover your place in God's mission.
- 17 Church Plants
- 1 Campus Ministry
- 4 Classes
- 1 Missionary
Great Lakes
The Great Lakes region is home to 240 congregations, 12 church plants, and 6 campus ministries engaged in Gospel witness in a dozen languages and cultures. It is also the hub from which dozens of global missionaries are sent and supported. The Spirit is working powerfully in the Great Lakes! Our regional engagement team is here to encourage, equip, and empower our congregations and leaders as they continue following Jesus in bringing the good news of the Kingdom locally and globally.
- 9 Church Plants
- 6 Campus Ministries
- 12 Classes
- 3 Missionaries
- 1 Opportunity
Western USA
God's Spirit is inspiring followers of Jesus with a new a imagination for participating in the gospel renewal of lives and communities. The staff of Resonate's Western U.S. region can help you join in God's transforming mission in faithful, contextual and innovative ways. Click here to subscribe to our email newsletter.
- 14 Church Plants
- 1 Campus Ministry
- 12 Classes
- 1 Missionary