2023 Annual Ministry Report
With your support and the work of the Holy Spirit, we've accomplished a lot together. Your gifts and prayers made this possible!
God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts.
As people move throughout the world, communities across Canada and the United States are becoming more ethnically diverse. Within the span of a few blocks in your hometown today, you might hear different languages spoken or see different styles of clothing representing dozens of cultures.
“There’s a fullness to our witness to the gospel that’s only possible as a diverse people,” explained Tim Sheridan, your church planting leader at Resonate. “As communities become more diverse, there is a need for churches that have different ways of praying, reading Scripture, and worshiping God."
Here’s a glimpse at a few partner church plants that you support:
New Jersey is one of the most ethnically and racially diverse states in the U.S. Church planter Timothy Joo, pastor of King’s Covenant Church in Bridgewater Township, says, “New church plants . . . give us the broadest ability to reach people.” Through King’s Covenant Church you’re reaching the increasing population of Korean American and Chinese American people in this area. The church has also connected with local campus ministries, supporting them financially, through prayer, and by hosting Bible studies!
“Edmonton [Alberta] is a diverse city because God has brought the four corners of the world into our city—and that’s why God has sent us here,” said pastor Victor Ko at mosaicHouse church. One member said she was drawn to mosaicHouse because she felt safe being herself in conversations. She said she would also feel comfortable inviting friends from different cultures: “There are people from all over the world . . . here in mosaicHouse; we’re able to feel some unity.”
As Sunlight Community Church in Port St. Lucie, Florida, grew, they saw a need to reach the growing Latino community in their area. With your help, the congregation planted Iglesia Sunlight Español, a church where people can worship and hear a message in the language they know best. “Our neighborhood community lacks a central event or location to gather people together for community and relationship building,” said Pastor John Granada. You are helping them to meet these needs!
The vision that unites us: we want to see communities of disciples joining in God’s mission and faithfully proclaiming and living out the good news of Jesus.
Resonate has a place for each member of your church family to live into God's mission. Are you passionate about a specific region of the world? Does your heart break for people living in poverty? Do you care for the refugees and immigrants in your local community? What about your friends, family members, coworkers, and neighbors who don't know Jesus?
Resonate can help deepen your passion for mission, strengthen your capacity to follow God on mission, and amplify the impact you and your church have in your neighborhood and around the world. We can do more together than we can on our own!
Think of Resonate as a beacon of light and hope that can help us come together and embrace God’s will for his church. Thank you for your passion for God’s mission, and for proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth!
Our denomination’s faithful ministry share giving—including money you give through your church—provides a strong foundation that makes mission possible, but the ministry shares program only provides around 18% of the revenue Resonate needs to do this important work. Donors like you are so essential to provide stability and sustainability!
Your giving through Resonate supports ministry around the world in a variety of ways. In addition to sending missionaries and church planters, we partner with national organizations, offer grants to partners, and support other ministry initiatives that align with our mission.
Together with your help, we continue to build on more than a century of Spirit-inspired and theologically grounded passion for ministry. As your Christian Reformed mission agency, we support missionaries, church planters, and other ministry leaders in more than 40 countries—all of them raised, trained, supported, and sent by you.
Thank you for your partnership in 2023, and may God bless you on mission in the coming year!