Go Local: Essentials
Go Local is not a program, it’s a process. The problem of our inability to build relationships with neighbors doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, Go Local helps participants respond to the unique circumstances of their own lives and of their communities.
Through Go Local: Essentials, Christians learn through action and reflection as they design experiments like prayer walks and community events. And they learn through growing in their faith by discerning Scripture together and practices like Dwelling in the Word, a key way Go Local helps participants explore and live out God’s Word together.
We offer Go Local: Essentials for individuals, pastors, and congregations. Participants in this process will:
- Have a new (or renewed) imagination for what it means to be missional; to join the Spirit on God’s mission in their neighborhoods;
- Learn about and engage the postures and practices of listening, discerning, experimenting, and Action-Reflection-Theology (ARTwork)
- Begin to discern next steps for themselves/their congregations or faith communities

For Individuals
Four 1.5 hour sessions over 8 weeks (every other week) facilitated by 1-2 Go Local Facilitators; Could be gathered by classis, cross-regional, or international. Zoom or in person.
Especially for: Individuals or households who are curious about what God might be up to in their own neighborhood and how they might discover and join God there.
For Pastors & Church Staff
Monthly 1.5-2 hour gatherings for at least 6 months, facilitated by a Go Local Facilitator and another pastor/leader. Could be gathered by classis, cross-regional, or international. Zoom or in person.
Participants commit to: monthly gatherings, engaging the Go Local practices and postures in their neighborhood, addressing leadership challenges they identify.
For Congregations
3-5 guiding teams from different congregations in a local or regional context. Participate together as a team in cluster workshops every 3-4 months facilitated by a Go Local Facilitator for a year or more. Repeated at a rhythm determined by the Go Local Facilitator,, coaches, and congregational guiding teams.
Ideal guiding team members will have already participated in a Go Local: Preview workshop, or Essentials for Individuals.