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About Go Local

At its heart, Go Local is a process of faith formation for mission. It helps us learn postures and practices that develop us for joining God’s mission. Go Local focuses on helping Christians understand how to connect with their neighbors and lays a strong foundation for a life lived on mission.

Go Local is not a program, it’s a process. The problem of our inability to build relationships with neighbors doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, Go Local helps participants respond to the unique circumstances of their own lives and of their communities. 

Through Go Local, Christians learn through action and reflection as they design experiments like prayer walks and community events. And they learn through growing in their faith by discerning Scripture together and practices like Dwelling in the Word, a key way Go Local helps participants explore and live out God’s Word together.

What to expect

Full disclosure: Go Local isn’t about getting the community to come to your church. It’s about getting your congregations to live out their faith in the community. So often we have a desire to reach out, but we haven’t done the work of learning what that really means.

Go Local helps participants meet, engage, and talk with neighbors so that they can grow as a community with neighbors. In this way, people who don’t have a relationship with Jesus will get to know us and how the gospel is good news for us in our everyday lives.

The point of Go Local is to change your life.  Resonate provides the framework for this change, coaches to help you think through God’s work in your life, and a network that will help all of us learn and grow together.

In the long term, we anticipate that Go Local will become the natural and ongoing rhythm for Christians who participate: always experimenting and looking for new opportunities to join the Spirit on God’s mission in their neighborhoods. 

Go Local is about becoming. Becoming a people who, equipped and empowered by the Spirit, are God’s sent ones, right where we live.