Missionary Care helps missionaries not just survive, but thrive 8 Ways Your Congregation Can Care for Missionaries Missionaries need a strong support team in order to thrive in their ministry. While the sending agency plays an important role, there are elements of missionary care that congregations are uniquely equipped for. How to Care for Your Missionary During COVID-19 In this stressful and anxious time, it’s important to remember your missionaries too. Here’s what you need to know about how your church can continue supporting and caring for them during the coronavirus pandemic. When Missionaries Can’t Visit Your Church: Tips for Virtual Re-Connect During COVID-19 Thanks to technology, it’s possible to hear updates from the field. In fact, missionaries might be able to connect with your church in new ways. Here are some ideas and tips to conduct Re-Connect online. Missionary visits 6 Great Ways to Make a Missionary Visit a Success A well-planned missionary visit can make a big difference in how your church views missions. Here are some tips to plan a successful missionary visit: Planning a Missionary Visit When missionaries come to visit their supporting churches, it is important for congregations to take an active role in making the most of the opportunity. Here are some practical ways you can do that. Common Misconceptions 5 Common Misconceptions About Missionary Kids Children of missionaries may be known as “missionary kids” (MKs), but that doesn’t make them missionaries like their parents. God has unique plans and purposes for their lives, and it’s important to walk alongside them as they follow Jesus. 10 Misconceptions About Being a Missionary What does it mean to be a missionary? People have different ideas about life and work as a missionary. We want to explore a few common misconceptions so we can better understand what it means to follow God’s call to share the gospel throughout the world. Understanding Missionary Support It is true that missionaries raise the majority of their ministry costs, but general giving and Ministry Shares fund various missionary program costs as well.