About Rev. Pablo and Sheryl
Who We Are
In Matthew 28:20-22, Jesus sends His disciples out to make disciples of all the world. It is a glorious mission, but for those on the front lines, it can be very tiring and lonely. One need that we have seen continuously in our 40 years of pastoring and serving in missions has been the need that pastors, their families, and other ministry leaders have of someone to “pastor” them. Yes, pastors need pastors!
Leaders are often busy caring for others while they and their families suffer for lack of care. Trying to be perceived as strong, many of them feel exhausted. Yet, the ministry’s demands do not stop. Pastors and ministry leaders need to be encouraged to come back to the only Source of strength to live and to be able to help others. Jesus, our Savior and Lord, says: I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5 NIV)
Vision and Mission
Our vision is to work for the development of healthier and stronger churches and ministries, by spending time with pastors and leaders of different ministries, who are looking for care, rest and renewal in Christ. They, in turn, will be more able to care for their own families, their churches, and work for change in their own communities.
We are planning to make two trips a year, for 3 months at a time, to the Yucatan Peninsula, one in the fall 2021, and one in the Spring 2022. We will be based in Campeche City. From there, we will visit other locations to make new contacts. We aim to develop Transformational Networks in that area, so that churches will work together, having a united voice impacting their local communities with the Gospel.
Partner in Missions
We would love to have your support. We ask that you would support us in prayer so that it is God who is exalted and that He is shown to others. We would also be grateful for any economic contribution if this is something that calls your heart.
Support Rev. Pablo and Sheryl
You can support Rev. Pablo and Sheryl's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.