About Anthony and Sara
Vision and Mission
We are grateful that God has called us to long term ministry in East Africa in the areas of theological education and agricultural development. It is a privilege to serve with Resonate to encourage and walk alongside pastors and farmers.
In Uganda, the Church is growing rapidly, but only a small percentage of pastors have had any formal theological training. However, these Ugandan church leaders are hungry for God’s Word and for opportunities to be better equipped for ministry. There is an urgent need to train pastors in their local context, especially those who don’t have access to Bible colleges.
Ugandan Christians have other needs as well. The majority of Ugandans are farmers and with a growing population, land degradation, and increasingly irregular rainy seasons, there is a need to adjust their methods of growing crops. It is also important for Christian farmers to grow in their relationship with Christ and learn how to integrate their faith into their daily work.
Mission Work
We work mainly with churches from the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Uganda (PAGU) in the region surrounding Soroti where we live. Anthony encourages and mentors pastors who face many challenges in ministry and who themselves need pastoral care. He teaches informal groups of church leaders through curriculums like Timothy Leadership Training (TLT), and a curriculum he helped to write called “Helping Without Hurting in Africa” based on the book When Helping Hurts.
Sara works in churches and communities to help farmers better care for their land, produce more food, save money, and connect the Christian faith to everyday life through Bible study and skills training. She facilitates farmer study groups on agriculture, caring for creation, and nutrition. She also teaches fuel-efficient and nutritious ways of cooking, building clay ovens, and baking.
Support Anthony and Sara
You can support Anthony and Sara's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.