Breadcrumb Home Our Ministries Ministries & Initiatives Our ministries allow us to do diverse and unique work.
Campus Ministry University is a season of life where many young adults are exploring who they are and how they should live. Many people on campuses are also asking questions about the gospel and how their faith should influence their studies, work, and life.
Church Planting New churches are one of the most effective ministries for reaching new groups of people! Around the world, Resonate supports this key initiative with an emphasis on sustainability.
COHORT Cohort is a discipleship opportunity for young adults to serve in a grassroots ministry, learn in community, and engage in deep spiritual formation while wrestling with challenging conversations about faith, mission, social justice, and more
Educational Care Educational Care is a learning program that encourages and assists educators and schools with limited resources by giving them an opportunity to develop skills and strategies of education that honor God, His creation, and the children in their classrooms.
Global Coffee Break Global Coffee Break gives people the tools to read, understand, and dig into what the Bible says and means.
Glocal Mission Summit The Glocal Mission Summit is a biannual event where people can engage in conversations around mission and imagine innovative ways to engage and embrace our local communities that are becoming increasingly diverse and global.
Go Local Church members desire to connect with neighbors. Congregations want to live out their faith beyond their four walls. Go Local is a process to learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit and connect with our neighbors in meaningful ways.
Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations is a workshop-based ministry that addresses conflicts with Cross-Centered Healing and Reconciliation Throughout the World.
IMPACT Clubs IMPACT clubs equip and empower children, from elementary school through high school, to be servant leaders in their communities. Learning about leadership from a biblical perspective, students learn to be the hands and feet of Jesus and work toward kingdom transformation in their communities.
Innovation Experiment Grant Program The innovation experiment grant program is designed to spark Spirit-led holistic gospel witness by funding innovative projects from CRCNA congregations, faith communities, and partners to address these challenges in their contexts.
Timothy Leadership Training Churches around the world are experiencing unprecedented growth, but often, there aren't enough trained leaders for these churches. TLT is a curriculum that equips church leaders to transform their congregations and communities.
Witness Witness: Equipped to Share the Good News is a self-guided course designed to equip you for sharing Christ's love with your neighbors. It will help you reflect on what it means to be a witness for Christ—and then to take practical steps to join God at work in your neighborhood.