Our ministry partner New Horizons Foundation launched IMPACT clubs in 2002. Today, Resonate missionaries facilitate these clubs in countries like the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua.
Resonate is passionate about raising up young leaders—and that’s exactly what IMPACT clubs do. IMPACT clubs empower children from elementary school through high school to see that they have gifts, skills, and ability to make a big difference in their communities. Through fun activities, group discussions, and community service projects, they learn about leadership from a biblical perspective. Some of the service projects young people have planned and implemented through IMPACT clubs include:
- Fixing a beat-up road so people could travel more easily
- Dividing a river into sections where people can get clean drinking water, wash and bathe, and water their cattle to help keep water clean for drinking
- Helping to deliver supplies to individuals and families who were struggling financially because of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Setting up handwashing stations so people in the community could wash their hands and help prevent the spread of the coronavirus
Some young people come to know Jesus for the first time through IMPACT clubs, and they all grow as disciples as they learn to be the hands and feet of Jesus and work toward kingdom transformation in their communities.