Let's Look for the Light
There’s a lot we can learn from the story of Daniel and his friends in the Bible about looking for the light of God in our own context.
Tips and Tools to Equip Students for Mission
We all have a calling from Jesus to live out the gospel and share our faith. Here are some tools to help you equip the students in your church.
Extraordinary Moments in Ordinary Days
In this season when ministry programs and school years end, how might God want to work extraordinarily through the ordinary moments?
A Return to Making Disciples
Church Planter Ricardo Tranquini shares what he learned about discipleship from the Exponential Conference.
Let's Put a Greater Emphasis on Jesus' Resurrection This Year
This year I’ve been wondering what it would look like for the church to put a greater emphasis on Jesus’ resurrection. How could it encourage our gospel witness in the community? Here's a tool that could help.
Missional Metrics That Will Encourage Your Church
Every church seems to focus on the same metrics: budget, building, and butts in seats. But what if there were more encouraging metrics that could help keep your church focused on mission?
Where Does the Church Go Now?
At its heart, the church is a gathering of people. And for the church to be missional today, it must gather in different places and in different ways.
Placemaking as a Missional Practice
What if your church property became the heart of your neighborhood? What if designing a space to be shared by your community was the open door for the Spirit to change hearts?
What Have Our Churches Gained Because of Covid?
5 Ideas to Help Your Church Work toward Racial Justice and God's Shalom