Go Local: Sustain
The postures and practices of Go Local are not something that you master after a few workshops, they are muscles that we must exercise daily. They are things that we are always striving towards being better at but can never perfect. Because of this, we have a variety of ways that you can fuel and sustain the lessons that you have learned throughout the Go Local process and continue to grow in following God on mission.

Go Local Intensive
This is a six-month biweekly “intensive” aimed at forming those who have been involved in Go Local, more deeply as God’s missional people in their everyday ordinary lives in their neighborhoods.
In this Community of Practice, participants are committed to exploring and engaging postures and practices, In so doing, participants are challenged to step out of their comfort zones, embrace often new (ancient) ways of being God’s people as they are faithfully present amongst their neighbors
Does your congregation want to explore and reflect on how the Go Local postures and practices can best serve your community and church? Do you need a refresher on the lessons your guiding team or congregation has learned? Congregational Coaching is available on request and is lead by a Go Local facilitator or coach. Contact us today to take the next step.
Virtual Cafe
The first Thursday of every month, from 12-1:30 pm EST, you’ll have the opportunity to gather with people who have been living out the Go Local process in their lives and neighborhoods. Come and share your stories, ask questions, and get prayer as we seek to encourage and inspire one another on the journey! You’ll walk away with renewed energy as you join God at work in your neighborhood.