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Regional Mission

Discover Your Bible and Coffee Break

For almost fifty years the Discover Your Bible method has been used for evangelism and discipleship. Using this method to study the Bible, the ministry of Coffee Break has reached many thousands of individuals in North America and around the globe. Men and women have come to faith in Christ and those already believers have grown in their faith. The name “Coffee Break” expresses a relaxed conversational small group atmosphere, Begun as a ministry for women, today both men and women use the materials. The ministry may have different names, but the method of Bible discovery is the same. Conversations around the Bible are shaped by questions. Participants discover for themselves and with others what the Bible says and means. They then, through the power of the Holy Spirit, apply what they have learned in their daily lives. Discover your Bible study guides are appropriate for all levels of biblical knowledge and faith experience. There are many Old and New Testament study guides in English, and much of the material has now been translated into a variety of languages. Leadership training and coaching is available in person and online.

To find out more about the Discover Your Bible method or the Coffee Break ministry please contact:

Diane Averill: Coffee Break Representative and Local Mission Leader ; 603-401-0365


Women’s Small Group and Coffee Break Retreat

Each fall women from the East Coast gather for a retreat. The purpose of the retreat is to train and encourage women Bible study leaders so that Bible study ministries in their neighborhoods as well as their churches are strengthened. The weekend provides time to learn from inspirational speakers, and participate in breakouts, training, and peer learning opportunities. The women return home after the retreat refreshed, challenged, and renewed as they seek to grow themselves and others in God’s word. The retreats have usually been held in New England, but in the past several years there have been retreats in NJ and FL.

To find out more about the retreat please contact:

Diane Averill: Coffee Break Representative and Local Mission Leader ; 603-401-0365


Go Local a journey to discover and join God in our neighborhoods.

Many in our churches today realize there is a disconnect between their congregation and their communities. If a church is growing it is often through members coming from other churches, rather than from neighbors coming to faith in Christ. For those interested in engaging our society with the gospel, Go Local is an important option. While Go Local is a denominational initiative, it is not a program; it is a process of prayer, listening, discerning, and experimenting.

Through listening prayer, Go local helps churches discover where God is leading them to engage effectively with their neighbors. It is primarily not about programs or plans, but about humbly submitting to God’s leading as those who participate are guided by prayer and Scripture.

Discerning follows up on listening and helps the church to analyze effectively how God is at work among the people of the congregation. Participants learn new ways to join God in their neighborhoods and follow God in Mission together.

Experimenting provides the means for the listening and discerning stages to be put into practice. Adaptive change is cultivated through engagement with a set of simple, repeatable practices that teach, transform, and equip.

To find out more about the Go Local Initiative, please contact:


Brent Averill 603-401-0366