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Curriculum Booklet

Witness Booklet

WITNESS consists of five sessions that reflect on what it means to be a gospel witness. These five sessions are not necessarily intended to be a single linear process that ends after a fixed period of time or after the readings are completed. Instead, each session focuses on practices that we need to continually embody and reflect upon as we develop relationships with our neighbors and God. 

Each session follows the same structure: (View Sample)

  • Video featuring a reflection by Amy Schenkel, who serves as a Regional Mission Leader with Resonate. The video then highlights a story from someone's personal experience with the session topic. 
  • Small group guide with an ice-breaker question, scripture reading, and discussion questions.
  • Prayer liturgy to close the small-group session
  • Personal journal with workbook-style questions for you to reflect on and deepen your understanding of the principles in the session.
  • Prayers for ourselves and our neighbors to include in your daily devotional time
  • A number of sections feature boxes with relevant scripture passages, quotes, or a deeper look into relevant topics.

WITNESS is available as a digital download which can also be printed for use as an individual or a group. It is also available  as a printed booklet available for order through Faith Alive

Download the WITNESS Digital Booklet by filling out the form below:



Download the Testigo Digital Booklet (WITNESS Spanish) by filling out the form below: