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About Anthony and Barbara

Mission and Vision

The vision of DayStar is to impact communities of Native people with the love of Christ, by carrying the message of salvation in personal and practical ways. The end in view is that people will accept Him as Savior and own Him as Lord, and discover through life example and teaching that the Christian message is an exciting adventure resulting in personal balance, peace and wholeness. 

Mission Work

M’Chigeeng means the place between the two ridges which accurately describes the location of community that we serve in. For well over 20 years DayStar has been providing a one to two week long VBS style program here in this First Nation. In 2014 I (Anthony) began discipling a father there who was seeking Jesus.

In 2019 we relocated across Manitoulin Island to be able to serve the community better. We have been working with the people there with the intent to plant a First Nations led Church and a strong community of Believers. We have been working towards this from a number of fronts. Barbara has been volunteering in the school system on the reserve as well as building relationships with the ladies in the community. Anthony has been working in addictions recovery as well as sports related ministry outreaches. We have also been working at establishing a house church. The goal in the near future is to establish a drop-in style community center in M’Chigeeng to be able to operate out of. We have now hired a First Nations Staff person who is serving alongside us in M’Chigeeng, and is able to serve the community by building a safe social environment that remains drug and alcohol free.

Much of our time is invested in one on one relationship building, mentoring, and discipleship, as a baseline of trust must be established in the community. Please pray for more open doors for the Gospel to flow in a community where the perception of Jesus has been deeply twisted by history.

On top of the work being done in M’Chigeeng FN., Anthony is also on leadership and preaches at two churches, one in Wiikwemkoong FN. and one in Aundeck Omni Kaning FN. He also coordinates 19 summer day camps that DayStar runs through the Hwy 69 and 17 corridor, providing training and leadership to the teams serving, as well as maintaining communication and relationships with the various First Nations we serve in.

Apegish wii-zhawenimik Manidoo (Blessings - I hope you are Blessed by the Creator)

Support Anthony and Barbara

You can support Anthony and Barbara's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.


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