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Go Local

Judy now recognizes neighboring as an opportunity to discover God at work, and to love people in Jesus' name. She reflected, “I love how God works things together!”

A friend of mine, Judy* who is on the Go Local journey, seeking to join God in her neighborhood, recently shared this story with me. She explained that she had noticed that the neighbor across the street from her (who had been her aerobics teacher 15 years ago) had been getting many ambulance visits. Judy had felt motivated to try to renew her relationship with her.

One afternoon when Judy tentatively went over to deliver some fresh carrots from her garden, her neighbor was sitting outside in the front, and they had a good conversation. Their chat concluded with Judy suggesting that they sit and knit together on her veranda while the weather was still nice. Judy had recently learned to knit in a neighborhood group which she had helped to get started. She reflected, “I love how God works things together!”

Judy plays pickleball several times a week with neighbors, too. She reflects on the shift that that has been happening in her. She has moved from feeling guilty about ‘wasting time’ in these neighborhood endeavors to thanking God for the gift of neighboring, not only for the fun, exercise and relationships but for the “seeing differently.” She now recognizes neighboring as an opportunity to discover God at work, and to love people in Jesus' name.

“It is truly amazing that God can use the things we enjoy such that we are participating in God’s good work—his kingdom come near!”

“I have a very strong inner critic who tells me I am just making this up as a way to justify enjoying myself. I am trying to reject this voice and pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me each day.”

May we all join Judy in this prayer—and in discovering how we can participate in God’s good work right where we live, with and among our neighbors.

*Name changed for privacy

Written by Karen Wilk, Resonate Global Mission’s Go Local Catalyzer

Want to learn more about sharing the gospel with neighbors? That's what Resonate's Go Local is all about! Learn more at