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About John


The Democratic Republic of Congo is a land torn by poverty and conflict. While the country’s landscape is beautiful and provides bountiful natural resources, the country has a long and painful history of conflict and many communities lack access to food, clean water, healthcare, education, and jobs. The struggles that communities wrestle with have long weighed on my heart as a follower of Christ, and I pray to see them transformed by the hope, grace, and power of the gospel. That’s why I founded the International Theological College of Human Rights and Development (ITCHRD). Through ITCHRD, I work to equip churches and Christian leaders to fully understand a Reformed worldview and to make a difference where God has placed them by spreading the gospel. 


At Resonate and ITCHRD, we believe that the gospel not only proclaims salvation for life after death, but for redemption and renewal of life on earth as well. We believe the gospel transforms individuals and communities spiritually, mentally, socially, relationally, and physically. My work with ITCHRD focuses on equipping pastors and other church leaders, Christian schools, and Christians in secular workplaces for church planting and evangelism with a Reformed worldview and a holistic approach to their ministries—we want to see them spread the gospel in word and deed. Our leaders preach the gospel, but also organize community development projects that result in people having access to basic necessities like healthy food, clean water, affordable healthcare, stable incomes, and more. As a result, we’ll see more people in the Democratic Republic of Congo following Jesus and experiencing the full transformation of the gospel.

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