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About Alicia and Maynor

Vision and Mission

Our vision is to see Nicaraguans live out and proclaim the fullness of the gospel in their lives and communities.

Our mission is to contribute to God's work in Nicaragua through organizational capacity building and strengthening meaningful relationships between the Nehemiah Center and North America.

It is our hope that through our long-term commitment to Nicaragua and the Nehemiah Center that transformation will occur in the lives of Nicaraguans and that God's Kingdom here on earth will be advanced.

Mission Work

Since 2007, Alicia has worked with the Nehemiah Center in Nicaragua. She began by facilitating cross-cultural exchanges between Nicaraguans and North Americans specifically focused on youth and young adults. In 2015, Alicia transitioned into developing a communications department for the Nehemiah Center, as a more effective way of sharing the impact of the ministry of the Nehemiah Center. Currently, Alicia directs mission advancement for the Nehemiah Center through managing the communications department, overseeing international partnerships with churches and other non-profits, and forms part of the senior leadership team for the Nehemiah Center. Alicia also consults for other non-profits within Central America, also connected with Resonate Global Mission, in building their organizational capacity.

The Nehemiah Center

The Nehemiah Center located in Managua, Nicaragua is a community of service and learning which trains Pastors and contributes to the formation of leaders in an integral biblical worldview and encourages local, national, and international collaboration for Christ-centered transformational development of communities and nations. To learn more, visit

Support Alicia and Maynor

You can support Alicia and Maynor's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.


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