About this Campus Ministry
The Medicine Hat Campus Ministry exists to share the love of Jesus Christ with the entire Medicine Hat College Community. Because we are the only Campus Ministry present at Medicine Hat College, we follow Paul’s example of 1 Corinthians 9:22 by “Being all things to all people.” Campus Ministry supports Christian students, staff, and faculty by offering opportunities for prayer, worship and pastoral care and counselling. For those who are searching for truth and purpose in life, Campus Ministry is a great resource! For those not presently interested in Christianity, Campus Ministry simply exists to make Christ and His Church look beautiful through acts of kindness and support.
Thursday Night praise and worship, Monday Noon Prayer Time, Life Group Meetings, Free Soup Wednesdays, Community Cooking, The Food Pantry and Spiritual Care and Counselling are just some of the ways we are serving Medicine Hat College.
Impact Stories: Life Groups
Every Tuesday the Chaplain meets with a group of students at noon to share a meal, an ice breaker game or activity as well as a discussion geared toward promoting student wellbeing. Most weeks 12 to 15 students attend. One of the benefits of the Life Groups is that it connects students and reduces loneliness and isolation, which are some of the leading causes of stress and anxiety. At the end of a season of Life Groups a student commented that the group had become family to her!
Chaplain’s Retreat
Each September Medicine Hat Campus Ministry holds a retreat for students. Billed as a time of Fun, Food, Friendship and Fellowship, the retreat offers students a chance to meet each other and the chaplain. After the retreat one group of students said they had never felt this welcome and accepted before. A couple of other young Christian students observed that the retreat and subsequent campus ministry events helped them keep the Way after leaving home for the first time.