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Regional Mission

We long to see an increasing number of diverse, locally rooted, and globally connected congregations and ministries bearing faithful witness to Christ’s reign and actively making disciples who live in the way of Jesus. This vision takes place through starting new churches and through strengthening existing churches. No matter which phase of life your congregation is in, these are some of the resources available for being a mission-shaped congregation.

Church Planting

Are you a potential Church planter looking to get started? Your first step is to connect with Randy Ledeboer or Scott Stark for the assessment process.

Great Lakes RAVAH Gathering

This gathering provides support, encouragement, prayer, and training for Great Lakes church planters. Open to anyone currently involved or interested in planting new churches. Contact us for more information. 

Coaching Opportunities

Coaching is the process, guided by the Holy Spirit, of coming alongside ministry leaders, teams or groups to help them discern and realize God’s call for their life, leadership and ministry.   Contact our office 616-224-0753 to be connected with a coach.

Congregational Coaching

Our coaches help your congregation discern the tools and resources that will help you bear faithful witness to Christ's reign and actively make disciples who live in the way of Jesus. Call us for a list of coaches that will fit your coaching needs. (616) 224-0753

MissionInsite Demographic Survey

Demographics that help church members connect to their communities. These reports are free for CRC churches in the US and someone from our team can guide you and your congregation through the report. Contact the Great Lakes office to get started.

Resources for Discipleship

  • Coaching opportunities 
  • Training events
  • Congregational Consultation: A process facilitated by a trained coach, involving leadership retreats and tools such as those listed below.
    • Healthy Church: A CRCNA-developed church health assessment and planning coach-supported process providing congregational opportunity to discuss and process the results of an eleven-category health survey that can serve as a basis for ministry plan development.
    • Willow Creek's REVEAL: A process based on a spiritual life survey that provides a clear snapshot of spiritual attitudes and behaviors of congregational members.
    • Churches Learning Change: A process of deep personal and congregational transformation for the purpose of contributing spiritually and emotionally healthy churches that are working for community and world renewal.
    • Center for Church Renewal: Renewal Resources for Every Congregation and Congregational Leader

Missional Leader Coaching

Connect with a coach:

Coaching is the process, guided by the Holy Spirit, of coming alongside ministry leaders, teams or groups to help them discern and realize God’s call for their life, leadership and ministry.

Who benefits from Coaching?

  •  Pastors
  •  Church Planters
  •  Campus Ministers
  •  Various ministry leaders

A testimony from  Nate Visker, Spring Lake, MI - "Meeting with my coach helped me gain clarity around the role I play in my church. More importantly, it helped me identify next steps and tasks that needed to be achieved. Although I could have done some of this on my own, I know I wouldn't have. I found the perspective, encouragement, and accountability I needed to get me going again."

Train to be a coach:

The Great Lakes Regional Team offers an excellent two day Coach Training and also ½ day events to practice your coaching skills.

Resonate Great Lakes Team partners with the Reformed Church in America to provide excellent coach training.

  • Part one: Foundational Coach Training – two day event, offered periodically
  • Part two: Coaching Triads – 6-9 months of hands-on experience
  • Part three: Coaching Excellence – one day training to review and practice skills

Coach Refreshment Training

  • Half day events to review and practice skills
  • Learn about specific types of coaching
  • Gather with other coaches for encouragement and support

Financial Resources

  • Three month trial - Try coaching for three months for the price of one month. This is a savings of $200 over the regular cost of $100 per month. A limited number of three month trial experiences are available through the Great Lakes Team and Sustaining Congregational Excellence.
  • Continuing Education funds provided from your local church
  • Continuing Education funds through Pastor Church Resources

Contact our office to be connected to a coach or be trained as a coach: 616-224-0753