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Resonate Global Mission invites you to participate in bringing salvation to the ends of the earth. Your contribution is an investment in ministry and partnership with others—transforming lives and communities worldwide. 

Note: Resonate will make every effort to use your gift for the program or project to which you designate it. Gifts to programs or projects that are oversubscribed, or cannot be completed, will be directed to those that have similar intent or ministry location.

If you don't wish to give online, choose one of the following convenient ways to donate:


Call or fax in your credit card donation, or mail in a check. Contact info

Electronic Fund Transfer

Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) are perfect for donors wishing to make regular donations. An EFT automatically deducts a donation from your bank account or credit card each month. EFTs eliminate the need to remember to make a donation, have a short processing time, and enable Resonate to plan and budget more accurately as certain contribution amounts can be counted on each month. 
Giving through Electronic Fund Transfers is quick, accurate, and stewardly.  Thank you for considering this way of giving as you partner with Resonate.

Automated Giving in Canada:

Download the Canada Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) form, fill in the required information, and mail it to:

3475 Mainway
PO Box 5070  STN LCD 1
Burlington, ON   L7R 3Y8

Automated Giving in the US:

Download the US Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) form, fill in the required information, and mail it to:

300 East Beltline NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506-1208


Planned Giving

God directs the events of our lives to draw us closer to him (Acts 17:26-27). He also uses specific times and events in your life to impact your gift planning, which can result in great benefits for both you and your favorite ministry organizations. Important events include the sale of appreciated assets, sale of a business, sale of a farm and retirement. All of these are excellent times to consider a Planned Gift. Planned Gifts may be made either during your lifetime or at death. They usually involve the assistance of professionals such as your accountant, attorney or financial planner.