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Géza needed a place to stay after completing a recovery program. You helped provide a house through a network organized by Resonate Global Mission missionary Steve Michmerhuizen.

A Need in the Kingdom

Géza recently completed the recovery program from his alcohol addiction through Bonus Pastor, a Christian ministry in Romania.

Like many people who start recovery programs at Bonus Pastor, Géza had lost many things in his life while he was struggling with addiction. After finishing the program, he was ready for a fresh start in life—but he needed a place to live, and unfortunately Bonus Pastor wasn’t able to provide housing for him.

“It is a struggle for [our clients] to rejoin society because after therapy is completed there is another huge step that these guys need to take as they look for a job, find a place to live, and start again,” said István Szabó, director of Bonus Pastor.

István was searching for a way to help find housing for Géza. He said that many ministries around the world with recovery programs have housing to help people with the transition back into society—but Bonus Pastor didn’t have those resources or funds to provide housing for their clients like Géza.

That’s where you stepped in.

The Importance of a Network

One of the important ways that you help spread the gospel when you support Resonate is through the formation of holistic mission networks. The collaboration and relationships formed from the networks are a blessing for ministries like Bonus Pastor.

Resonate missionary Steve Michmerhuizen launched and organizes a network with ministry leaders in Romania called Compass and Map. It was through this network that István found the connection he needed that enabled his ministry to provide housing for Géza. 

One day, István was talking with Daan de Groot, the director of Roman Works, another nonprofit that’s part of Resonate missionary Steve’s network. 

Roman Works had just acquired a farmhouse and was looking to put it to good use.

Kingdom Connections

“[Daan and István] couldn’t remember who said what—whether someone mentioned they had housing available, or if someone said someone was looking for a place to live,” said Steve. “It really doesn’t matter, because in the end Géza moved into the house.”

The farmhouse from Roman Works was an answer to prayer for Géza, István, and Bonus Pastor’s staff. Roman Works and Bonus Pastor formed a new partnership to help provide a house for Géza as he transitions back into society.

“That’s what the kingdom looks like sometimes,” said Steve. “It looks like a person recovering from an addiction unpacking his bags in a transitional home where he can continue to rebuild his life bit by bit.”

Thank You for Forming Connections through Resonate

Connections like the partnership formed between Bonus Pastor and Roman Works are why holistic mission networks are so important for Resonate’s work spreading the gospel. 

“None of us have all the resources, or talents, or abilities, or desires, or callings to get out there and do everything,” said Steve. “But we have what we have, and we can use it.”

Thank you for giving what you have to support Resonate! Thank you for helping to form holistic mission networks that lead to powerful connections for God’s kingdom! We can do more when we work together.

Prayer Points

  • Steve heard from István that Géza is doing well! Will you please pray for Géza as he continues to recover from alcoholism and rebuild his life with kingdom principles?
  • Pray for Bonus Pastor and Roman Works as they continue to minister with their communities in the unique ways God has called them to serve.
  • Give thanks for new partnerships that are forming through Resonate missionary Steve Michmerhuizen’s work in Romania. Please pray for him as he continues to connect ministry leaders with one another.

A version of this story was originally published on