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Three congregations you support through Resonate around the world

Iglesia Cristiana El Sembrador

Pastor Harold Caicedo and Iglesia Cristiana El Sembrador in California have a mission to build unity in the body of Christ. Their diverse church is made up of people from 14 countries across Latin America, working together to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their community.

In addition to evangelism and spreading the Word of God, this congregation also meets the needs of their community in other ways. They serve through helping people navigate the immigration process, assisting people with economic problems, and being a faithful presence in a community healing from drugs, alcohol, and violence.

A Ministry Among Muslims

More than 11,000 Muslims from all over the world have made their homes in West Michigan, including Bosnians, Arabs, Somalis, and many others who are in need of Jesus Christ. A Resonate partner ministry that you support reaches out to African Muslims—they believe God has brought them here for a purpose.

Many of these people are refugees, people who are running from suffering, persecution, or hardship. Your Resonate partner ministry leader has a vision to bring Muslims into fellowship with Christ—to show them the way to a strong tower through faith the one true God. Already, more than 60 new believers have left Islam and come to faith in Jesus Christ through this church plant!

Berliner Stadtmission 

Resonate missionaries David Kromminga and Mary Buteyn are planting a new church directed toward recent immigrants to Berlin. God has already provided them with team members, a mentor, and potential congregants—and, of course, plenty of challenges.

More than one million refugees have crossed Germany’s borders in the past year, with tens of thousands settling in Berlin. They are often fleeing repressive societies and war-torn countries. “As people from different nations come together, by his Spirit and sometimes in the strangest ways, God is drawing all sorts of people to himself, adding to Christ’s church and building his kingdom,” said David.