Acerca de Tony and Stacey
Vision and Mission
After two decades of encouraging people to dare to obediently go wherever God calls them, God has called us to pastor Mountainview International Church in Madrid, Spain.
In a country dominated by secularism and cultural Catholicism where only 0.05% of the population is Protestant, God has asked us to use the gifts he has developed in us to bring healing and direction to this small but spiritually vibrant church so that they can continue to “establish a fountain of Christ and his grace that will flow outwards for the wholeness of the individual and society.” We are eager to see the message of God’s grace transform individuals, families, and communities.
Mission Work
By God’s power, we plan to help empower the people of Mountainview International Church to “Know Jesus Christ and to grow in His grace” and partner with them in bringing God’s radical message of grace into a society that is desperate to hear it.
Following a time of hurt and uncertainty, we will facilitate a season of healing through honest conversations filled with God’s encouragement and grace. We will bring God’s love to the people of the Mountainview family so that they will be able to continue to then bring that love to the people all around them. At the same time, we will begin to shape the ministry structures and systems to continue the effective ministry that is going on and empower that ministry to flourish into the future.
Support Tony and Stacey
You can support Tony and Stacey's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.