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Acerca de Larry and Ruth

Our Vision for Japan

We envision the continual growth of a vital church of Jesus Christ in the very resistant and largely unreached nation of Japan that will extend God’s gracious kingdom of justice and peace.

Our Mission in Japan

We serve along with the brothers and sisters of the Reformed Church in Japan, to build congregations whose activities are all colored by and focused on the Good News of forgiveness and new life by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Ministry in Japan

We proclaim the Good News of forgiveness and life through faith in Jesus Christ, calling people to reject vain things and false gods and to put their faith in him. We help gather new believers into new churches, and inspire and assist existing churches to do the same with increasing effectiveness so that our efforts are multiplied. 

Through a teaching and preaching ministry as well as through relationship development, Larry helps form in children and young people, and even those in mid-career, a vision for joining in God’s work, challenging them to devote themselves as new workers for God’s harvest. Besides his preaching ministry, Larry consults with our main mission partner, the Reformed Church in Japan, and especially with several “target group” clusters of this church.

Larry manages the business, legal and financial affairs of the Christian Reformed Japan Mission (CRJM), our incorporated organization in Japan. Larry is a member of the Japan Lausanne Committee and represents CRJM at the Japan Evangelical Missionary Association, both ecumenical groups who, like us, promote the extension of God’s kingdom and the mobilization of Christians in paths of service to it. 

Ruth has worked for 28 years at “CAJ” - the Christian Academy in Japan, first as health center coordinator and later as Student Support Team Coordinator and Middle School Resource Teacher. She also was CAJ’s first Child Safety Coordinator. CAJ is a K-12 school of about 450 students operated by Resonate and 5 other missions offering Christian day-school education to the children of evangelical missionaries and other Christians.

Thank You

We praise God for his work around the world and the privilege of serving him. Thank you for your prayers and financial support as partners in ministry with Resonate Global Mission. As together we carry out our Lord’s mission mandate, we rejoice with you that our efforts are transforming lives and communities in Japan and worldwide. Thank you!

Support Larry and Ruth

You can support Larry and Ruth's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.


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