A Family Finds Faith
Andrew hadn't been to church since he was young, and Lisa believed there was truth to all religions. But when their son started struggling with depression, he asked to go to church. They found your church plant.
Partnership and Support Helps Farmers in Nicaragua Thrive
Ebenezer CRC's partnership with Resonate missionaries Jesse and Jari Rodriguez in Nicaragua is helping farming communities thrive.
Sustainable Change in Cambodia
Your Resonate missionaries are working to spread the gospel and empower communities in Cambodia.
A helping hand from your missionary and one afternoon is all it took to change the trajectory of Lydia’s life and the lives of her children.
Christ’s Light is at Work in Karla—But That's Only the Beginning. Will You Join in Reaching Others Like Her?
When Karla was wandering from religion to religion, feeling lost and struggling with her business, your Resonate missionaries Jesse and Jari Rodriguez were there for her.
A New Mission Trip from Resonate
A Witness Trip equips churches and other groups to live missionally back home.
Then Came the Morning
David spent twenty years struggling to accept God’s love and grace. Then one day he connected with one of your church plants.
A Brand New Church Meets
In the quiet, little town of Zolotepec, Mexico, a new church is meeting inside a garage. Your Resonate missionary Abe Lee's mentorship—and friendship—is helping to support Pastor Isaí.
The Power of Kindness
Kindness has incredible, transformative power. It builds bridges where none existed before.
The Importance of 'Seeing'
What happens when our church spaces are not places for people who don’t know Jesus, have not received God’s peace, and simply have no faith? No matter how hyped our hospitality practices are within the church, those practices do not engage the mission of the church—nor do they engage those who are present outside the church.