Salt of the Earth
Pastor Pavel's church in Ukraine sent him as a church planter to Russia. In 11 years, he planted 9 churches. But during prayer one day, he heard God say that he would take it all away—and God did. Pastor Pavel was arrested and deported. God led him to Estonia where he is now leading a church plant and reaching "people who had lost their salt."
From Bully to Friend
When you brought Educational Care training to Cici's classrom, it completely transformed one student's life.
A Seat at the Table: Joining Jesus in Mission and Community
In the Gospel of Luke, we find Jesus at a variety of different tables with a variety of different people. The table served as a place to eat, but it also served as a place for love, healing, belonging, generosity, connection, hospitality, learning, and communion.
Finding God’s Mission Outside Church Walls
By venturing beyond the known, we open ourselves to discovering God at work in unexpected people and places. What might you discover about God at work when you are more present with your neighbors?
A New Home for Ministry and Mission
The CRCNA has officially moved into the new denominational office.
More than 40 Years of Christian Education in the Dominican Republic
Resonate Global Mission has partnered with Christian Reformed Schools in the Dominican Republic (COCREF) for more than 4o years to help create a sustainable network of schools discipling children.
Mission at a Chess Club
When your missionary started a chess club, it quickly became a place where students experience the gospel.
Ideas to Connect with Your Missionary Online
How do you stay connected with your missionary while they're serving on the field?
Q&A With Pamela Alderman
Pamela Alderman shares about her unique Healing in Arts ministry and how she can partner with your church to form connections and provide healing in your community.
Welding a Sculpture and Finding Hope
When Laszlo hit a low point in his life, God worked through one of your Resonate Global Mission missionaries to help lift him up again.