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December 2022 Appeal

During the Christmas season our schedules fill up with celebrations—gatherings with family and friends, Advent and Christmas worship services, gift exchanges, and more. 

But for Christians like Demir, Christmas can be a lonely time.

Demir lives in a Muslim-majority Middle Eastern country—and we can’t specify which one because Christians there are vulnerable to persecution. For the past three Christmases, Demir has struggled alone to keep his faith in Christ in the midst of his family’s strong Muslim beliefs.

Believers like Demir in closed countries depend on your support in unique ways. Fewer pastors teach and preach. Fewer resources for Bible study and discipleship are available. Fewer communities of faith welcome Christians for Advent and Christmas services.

Will you consider making a Christmas gift to help share the gospel in these places? You can have a global impact through missionary ministry!

Sending missionaries remains a vital way you can share the greatest gift: the message of salvation in Jesus. And that’s just the beginning of missionary ministry.

Joshua, the Resonate missionary you sent to Demir’s country, is embracing new ways to tell the gospel story.

“Most people here refute the gospel and try to explain how great their religion is,” he said. “I thought about how I could find people who were open to the gospel, and I decided to reach out through Facebook.”

Joshua, Resonate Missionary

That’s where he met Demir—online, through Facebook messenger—a man who was struggling alone to keep the faith, living in a faraway city, and hesitant to tell people he was a Christian. From that day forward, Demir was no longer alone—he had a supportive faith community. That community started with you!

As Joshua learned all about Demir’s story, he knew that Demir needed a pastor. So he connected Demir with a church nearby. Now Demir is growing in faith like never before.

Think about that: thanks to gifts from mission-minded people like you, Demir will spend his first Christmas with a church family!

Will you please give to support missionary ministry? Your support will help ensure that people will be able to hear the gospel and find a community of faith—no matter where they are. As you celebrate the joy of Christmas and connect with your friends and loved ones, I urge you to consider how you can give that same gift to people like Demir!

When you make a gift through Resonate, you make it possible to reach people like Demir in more than 40 countries where your missionaries live and serve. Demir went searching for support online and found that support because of you. You can help make that possible for more people like him!

Please make your special Christmas gift today so that seekers like Demir can spend their Christmas with a church family! Start your secure and easy online gift by selecting an amount below: