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How are your missionaries really doing? Missionaries need a strong support team in order to thrive in ministry—and you and your congregation play an important role.

Here are the top 10 questions to ask your missionary to check in on how they’re doing and to strengthen your partnership in God’s mission together.

1. How are you doing on prayer support?

Prayer is so important for ministry and our own relationships with God. Do your missionaries have people praying for them? Is your church regularly praying for them?

2. Do you feel cared for by your support network?

Are your missionaries receiving encouragement or affirmation from their support network? Do they have any physical needs—like a car or ministry projects—that they need? Maybe your church can help.

3. How are you doing on financial support?

Budgets tend to change—for everyone, including churches, families, and individuals who support missionaries. Check that your missionary has the financial support they need to continue their ministry.

4. What can we do to encourage you in our partnership together?

Your missionaries know best what your ministry together needs. Ask how your missionary can best encourage them. It might be a kind note, prayer, or financial support.

5. What joys and challenges can you share from your daily life?

When missionaries visit churches, they often get to share about some of the “big” moments of their ministry—people coming to Christ, the launch of an exciting new discipleship program, someone growing a lot in their faith. But what did it take to get there? Missionaries don’t always get to share about the details of their daily life.

6. What is worship like for you each week?

Do your missionaries have a church community where they serve? Worship and church communities are so important and can look so different throughout the world.

7. What does rest look like for you?

Rest is so important for everyone, especially missionaries who often have packed calendars and meet with many people throughout the week. For many missionaries, it’s hard to say “no” to people in order to take time to care for themselves and spend time with God. Check in to make sure they’re not feeling burned-out.

8. What are three things you need prayer for right now?

Asking for three prayer items from your missionary is one way you can care for them and support them immediately. Follow up on their prayer requests to see how prayers were answered. That way, missionaries will know that you have prayed for them—and you’ll get to hear an amazing testimony of God at work!

9. Could we connect via video conference call sometime?

Video calls are excellent tools for connecting with missionaries while they’re on the field. Gather a team from your congregation and get to know your missionaries better, learn about their ministries, and even ask for their input on ministry in your local context. Just keep in mind that there might be time or technology barriers—not all missionaries have consistent access to the internet.

10. Can we come and visit you?

Visiting your missionaries on the field is a great way to support them and strengthen your partnership together. Take a few people, or a team, from your congregation to see ministry firsthand. You can meet the people they work with and possibly even work on a project together! Resonate can help you organize and facilitate these trips. Connect with Gillian Bruce at