소개 Perrin and Jodi
Vision and Mission
Japan is a nation with deep spiritual needs. Many have no hope.
- The suicide rate in Japan is among the highest in the world.
- Less than 1% of the people in Japan know Jesus.
- There is only one church for every 16,000 people, and these churches are usually very small.
Healthy, vibrant, missional churches and church leaders will be essential to the evangelization of the nation.
We envision God-loving, Christ-exalting, Spirit-empowered church leaders shepherding healthy, vibrant church families. We desire to see congregations where believers are discipled, communities are served and enriched, mutual love is felt and expressed, gifts are utilized, and those who have never heard the life-giving news of salvation through Jesus are welcomed into joyful fellowship with God. We hope that these congregations will multiply and spread the good news of Christ’s salvation throughout Japan and around the world.
Mission Work
As new missionaries to Japan, our first two years will be spent laying the groundwork for future ministry. Paramount to success and longevity in Japan will be fluency in the language and culture. During this time, we will partner with a local church, build relationships with Japanese Christians, gain familiarity with our mission partners and their work, and learn as much as we can about the nation, culture, and church in Japan.
How will our future ministry look?
- We will utilize Timothy Leadership Training and the Discovery Bible Study to help train and disciple church leaders and build the Japanese churches’ capacity for evangelism and mission.
- Develop collaborative relationships with the Reformed Church in Japan and partner organizations to advance the gospel.
- Support local churches through preaching, teaching, hospitality, discipleship, and evangelism.
- We will continue to worship in a local Japanese congregation and join them in outreach to their community.
- Encourage and support a global vision for the Church in Japan by helping with targeted ministry to diaspora groups within Japan and facilitating service opportunities in other places around the world.
Support Perrin and Jodi
You can support Perrin and Jodi's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.