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소개 Navy Chann and Ly


Ly and I were born in Cambodia and were children when the Khmer Rouge regime took power. Being separated from our parents, forced to work in labour camps, and fleeing to refugee camps in Thailand are parts of our stories. In 1981, during this time of violence, uncertainty, and strife, we became believers of Jesus, and the Lord brought Ly and me together in marriage.

In 1985 we immigrated to Canada, but the needs of Cambodia were never far from our hearts. In 1998 we returned to Cambodia for ten years with World Renew working in Community Development. We also saw the need and heard God’s call for us to join His mission in building up His church.

Ly and I have become more involved with local churches, their members, and the surrounding communities. We began implementing Timothy Leadership Training (TLT), and we are thankful to be leadership developers with Resonate. We are now the National Coordinators for the TLT Institute in Cambodia.

Mission and Vision

We see that spiritual transformation in people's lives and communities is necessary for sustainable development. The Cambodian churches must be raised up by God to witness to His love, salvation, and service.

We are excited to be instrumental in building TLT in Cambodia. In rural areas, where the leaders have little to no formal theological or pastoral training, the training has potential for great impact.

Leadership Developers - Cambodia

  • Identify and develop long-term reciprocal relationships with Cambodian Christian leaders, churches and organizations which share a vision for missional living and gospel witness among the poor and marginalized.
  • Lead and facilitate training and formational processes that equip and empower Camobodian Christians to serve, lead and bear gospel witness in their contexts
  • Encourage and facilitate peer networks for mutual learning among a diverse group of leaders who share a common vision for holistic witness among the poor and marginalized!

The stories and testimonies of leaders trained in TLT are amazing. God is developing enthusiastic and confident leaders. They are seeing God’s blessings in wonderful ways. God's answers to their prayers are often miraculous and awesome.

So far 208 Master Trainers have graduated from the program and are training others in a holistic Christian worldview and in leadership. Requests for this training are coming from many places, new and established churches, and other Christian organizations.

Support Navy Chann and Ly

You can support Navy Chann and Ly's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.


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