소개 Luke and Kelsey
Vision and Mission
For centuries Ireland has had a distinctively Christian identity. But Ireland is changing. Today, Ireland is a vast religious landscape of diverse religious and spiritual traditions—with Protestantism being in the minority. Ireland has also undergone some seismic social shifts in recent years putting Ireland among the most politically progressive countries in the world.
We Carrig’s are an Irish family. God has instilled in us a love and concern for Ireland and the Irish church. We have spent the past eight years in Michigan being equipped as effective ministers—with Luke receiving an Mdiv from Calvin Theological Seminary and ordination as a Minister of the Word in the CRCNA. We sense God’s call to return to Ireland, with a cultivated skill set, to engage in ministry in this challenging and exciting context.
Our desire is to be an encouragement to the local Irish church, seeking to build one another up in our commitment to Christ. And, our hope is to engage in new ministry endeavors that invite others into relationship with Jesus, by the power of the Spirit.
Mission Work
We have been invited as Resonate partner missionaries to serve with Nazarene Ireland, a ministry of the Church of the Nazarene. This collaboration is a rich opportunity for Kingdom focused interdenominational ministry.
First, our goal is to serve the local church in the Wicklow area with the gifts that God has given us; through preaching and teaching, worship leading, developing ministry leaders and building relationships in which formative discipleship can happen.
Second, we plan to pursue a range of mission focused endeavors; such as, developing a network of house churches that seeks to both re-engage those who have become disillusioned with the institutional church and provide opportunity for seekers to explore the Christian faith. All the while, being attentive to the Spirit's leading into other avenues where God is at work.
Support Luke and Kelsey
You can support Luke and Kelsey's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.