소개 Larry and Pam
Vision and Mission
We work in Thailand for the Sustainable Development Research Foundation (SDRF). The SDRF works directly with the Thai government in agricultural, social, health and educational development. It is staffed by Thai Christians to work among marginalized communities throughout Thailand and southern Laos. Our first two years we worked on a rural development project in Northern Thailand with local churches and their communities. Now we are working in southern Thailand on projects helping the communities improve or begin additional businesses to help them with stability and sustainability.
On the southeast coast we work at the Center for HIV/AIDS Affected Communities (CHAC). Most of this unreached people group is marginalized from society and can't find or make a living. Children are at risk and may eventually find their way into sweat shops and the sex industry. CHAC is setting up a sustainable tilapia fish farm to create the needed income for its ministry. On the southwest coast, where we currently live, we work at the Marine Research Institute (MRI) which began shortly after the 2004 tsunami to help marginalized fishing communities with sustainable fish farming. Larry is teaching computers, technology, and business, and Pam is teaching English and helping with the businesses. As we come alongside the communities and local church, teaching and helping the adults and children, we develop relationships with them that allow us to share the hope that is offered through Jesus.