소개 James and Barbarita
Equipping, empowering, and encouraging students and medical professionals to make known Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord in their universities, workplaces, and their community.
Our mission is to “Live, Learn, Light, and Love.” Live: by living among the people and working together with them, we hope to show God’s love through our actions and words. Learn: learning the culture, history, language, food, music, ideas, wisdom, and faith will show the love of Christ. Light: serving and supporting Mexican brothers and sisters in Christ. Love: loving people through God’s creation and redemption in Jesus Christ.
Ministry in Mexico
James collaborates a campus ministry called COMPA. COMPA is partnered with Inter Varsity USA and Canada and also is affiliated with I.F.E.S (International Fellowship of
Evangelical Students).
Students: nurturing a Christian character and teaching a Christian Biblical worldview, providing leadership and a spiritual direction.
Barbarita works with Cancer Center of Queretaro training nurses and doctors to form hospice care teams to attend the terminally ill of central Mexico.
Health Care givers and Students: Barbarita is a an ELNEC international trainer for the education of nurses and doctors for end-of-life care. This training not only covers
the medical side of death and dying, but also ethics, cultural, and spiritual considerations.
About James and Barbarita
God called us both from opposite sides of the world to serve in Queretaro, Mexico with Compa campus ministry. James was born in South Korea, but grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Los Angeles, California, where he developed a love for Spanish speakers. Barbarita served in Yucatan, Mexico for several summers with I.D.E.A. Ministries, learning the language and developing a passion for Mexico. God graciously allowed us both to graduate from Reformed Bible College (now Kuyper College) with Bachelors in Missions. James continued preparing for missions by obtaining a Masters in Missions at Calvin Theological Seminary while Barbarita completed nursing studies. Now as we live and minister in Mexico with our children, we believe that the Lord will continue to equip us to witness to the Good News of God’s Kingdom and make disciples of all nations.
Support James and Barbarita
You can support James and Barbarita's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.