소개 Ian and Jessica
Vision and Mission
Over the past few years, God has put a strong desire on our hearts and made us really excited about teaching at a school for missionary children. Jess (formerly “Strydhorst”) grew up on the mission field (Jos, Nigeria) and has a special place in her heart for children who share a similar background to hers. We are both certified teachers and share a vision for teaching a generation of Jesus loving, truth seeking, and critical thinking students who are passionate about utilizing their God-given gifts and abilities to extend the Kingdom of God through their vocation and life.
In our preparations, we have been so encouraged by the way that God has answered our prayers, put people in our path to direct us, give us advice, and impart their knowledge and wisdom to us. We have met alumni of the school, teachers from a neighboring school, and other international teachers who have all impacted and encouraged us in this journey. We are so grateful for the support we have received from family, friends, and Churches, and are blessed to be used by God in the way he has directed us.
Mission Work
While teaching in Asia we will be extending the love of Christ in at least three spheres of influence. Primarily and practically, as teachers, our main impact will be on the lives of our students. We are so excited to have the opportunity to mentor, disciple, discover truths through academic work, study scripture, and pray with them on a daily basis. Secondly, we will join in on the mercy ministries the school conducts in the local community. The school has a strong vision for vibrant Christian faith lived out by the student body. Thirdly, by teaching here, we hope to enable missionaries to stay and continue long-term sustainable ministry by providing quality education for their kids. Without a school (and teachers to staff the school), the sad reality is that missionaries often return to their home country after a brief stay, or don’t come at all. This is one of the main reasons we have felt called to teach at this school. Leveraging our gifts to God’s glory we seek to help the school as it purposes to provide transformational, quality, international, English-medium education.
Support Ian and Jessica
You can support Ian and Jessica's work by either providing a one-time or recurring monetary gift, or by joining our prayer list.