About this Church Plant
Our mission is to teach the Word of God; making disciples for the Kingdom of God. We do this by following the Great Commission given to the disciples in the Holy Bible in Matthew 28:18-20. We seek to be the “living word” by being an example to the believer and non-believer alike.
Our church model is a “house church” model on Sundays whereby we worship in our living room facilitating discipleship in worship. On Wednesdays, we meet weekly in the Kent Commons Community Center where we welcome those who desire to go deeper into the Word of God To be developed as leaders in various facets of ministry. We believe in building authentic lasting relationships with people of all ethnicities and from all walks of life, whether they be believers or non-believers so that we the Gospel is shared to those we come in contact with in our daily lives. We also believe in serving our community regularly through various ventures, both inside and outside the church. We seek to come together twice weekly (and informally, as well, for other gatherings) for worship gatherings in the ministry of the Word, fellowship, and a meal. We strive to be a multiethnic and multigenerational faith community. Our church will continue to grow and multiply into other house church plants and discipleship gatherings as the Lord Wills in His timing.
We have been blessed to be integrated in the Kent, Washington community and will continue to humble serve those who are in need of spiritual regeneration in Jesus Christ. ALL ARE WELCOME to join us anytime!!!