Go Local

Throughout North America, Resonate ministry leaders are hearing that church members desire to connect with neighbors. Congregations want to live out their faith beyond their four walls.
Go Local is the first step for people who want to explore what it means to be a Christian in their own community and fan into flame this desire to join God’s mission.
“There is a desire to have a real impact on people’s lives, and for the church to be of value to the communities we are a part of.”
We as Christians can be too focused on programs, worship, buildings, small groups, and the aspects of life inside a church. When that happens, we lose sight of the communities where our homes and churches are planted! Go Local is a process to learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit and connect with our neighbors in meaningful ways.
“We like the focus of reaching out to our neighbors and seeing where God shows up. Our neighbors are those who are "right under our noses", those we rub shoulders with on a frequent basis. Our culture sees church differently than it used to be. It is important to look at how we do church and see if God may be wanting us to do things differently than we have in the past.”
“It has also made me more intentional in the outreach that we try. It’s changed my mindset that we can try things and experiment on small projects without having to form a big program and wait for people to come to us.”