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About this Church Plant

At the Caledonia Gathering we have made it our mission in life to invite people to learn about the life and love of Jesus and to learn to live and love like him. We do this in the context of house gatherings that meet together for worship at The Cobblestone Plaza in Caledonia, Michigan.  Whether you are brand new to Jesus,  you learned about him as a child or are a life long follower - we’d love to have you join us. 

House Gatherings are like extended families that live a rhythm of life together that's worth being invited into. That rhythm includes being an invitational people; whether that's inviting people over for backyard BBQ’s or going out to be the church in social public life. House Gatherings live in such a way as to say to their surrounding communities - we are with you. House Gatherings are all spiritual gatherings of people, meaning they spend time contemplating and reflecting on scripture and praying for one another. And finally they are missional gatherings of people. The mission is to do good in this world out of thankfulness for what God has done for us, as the fruit of our faith, and in hopes of winning others over to Christ. 


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